The Journey of Creating – Accepting the gifts that are offered (Part 1 of 5)

Introduction to our new blog - Creators Jnana
To celebrate the start of a new year and the reimagining of Creators Space we have decided to begin with a new blog, Creators Jnana. The word Jnana originates from the ancient Sanskrit language and has taken on many interpretations over the years based on the context for which is it being used. For the purpose of this blog it is being used to refer to as “Authentic wisdom gained through the experience of creating”.
Through this new blog, we will be extending our gifts of insight and personal growth to you as we progress on our creative journey to manifest the vision of Creators Space. Our goal is to post at least once per week and to provide opportunities for others to join in sharing their Creators Jnana.
The Journey of Creating – Accepting the gifts that are offered (Part 1 of 5)
Throughout my life I have been fortunate to have great mentors. Jim Moore, my undergrad faculty adviser and ballet professor was one of them. He once told us to stop putting so much emphasis and energy into our upcoming performance, for it only provides just a few minutes of fame and satisfaction, he instructed us to be present throughout the rehearsal time, to enjoy the creative process, for it is during this time that provides the opportunity for receiving the greatest gifts.
That advise has stuck with me throughout my life and as I reflect back on the last 2 years of my journey to manifest the vision of Creators Space, I now understand the meaning behind Jim Moore’s words. The most important part of creating is not the final manifestation, but the journey to get there and if we can just slow down and take notice the rewards will be plentiful. The journey is the part filled with the emotional ups and downs that can lead to personal growth, and the opportunity for deep insight into ourselves and our interconnectivity with others. Thanks, Jim for your wisdom. You are a brilliant man.
Our Challenge
Creating something meaningful and important is messy but comes with wonderful gifts for both the creator and the receiver if you are open to receiving them. The gifts that come at the time of manifestation are easy to see and understand and quite honestly have become the focal point for most creators and our societal expectations. It can come in the form of a great new product or service, a meaningful piece of literature or artwork, or a performance of dance, music or theater.
The challenge for us all is seeing the gifts that are offered along the path towards manifestation. They are offered up in many forms such as; long hours of problem solving, perceived barriers to entry or financial burdens, and the emotional roller coaster we ride throughout the creative process. Our challenge is our ability to see these offerings as gifts, for these come with the opportunity for deep insight, wisdom and personal growth and transformation. And once we can accept them as gifts, we will find that they are the most valuable gifts of all.
In parts 2-5 of this blog, I will share with you 4 gifts I have been given over the last 8 weeks since our temporary closure. Not the ones that are easy to see, but the tough ones that came out of the hard stuff. Stay tuned!
Peace and Happiness,
Melissa Dessart
Creator of Creators Space